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Connecting through Distance Healing Energy

I am an Energy Healing practitioner in Reiki, IET, and Blue Matrix Energetics. I connect to source energy, the universal energy that we are all connected to. That means that we can connect over distance and time! Universal energy is abundant and available to all of us, broadcast to all souls everywhere. 

For me personally, I connect to source and express gratitude and ask for protection. I state my intention for the session and the reason I'm asking to connect to another person, for healing and the highest good and highest health and happiness of the client. It is your personal right to accept or decline - I will not send energy to a person who has not asked for it. I may clear someone, after asking the universe or God for permission with my pendulum, but I will not send Reiki or energy or symbols to someone who has not asked. I state that I send the energy to be accepted if the soul chooses. I may send energy to a situation for the greatest good of all, in general. This is also how I work with animals. Each soul has the choice to accept.  

Before I meet a client, I clear them and then connect with them in distance to feel any issues they'd like to work on or address during our sessions. I ask my guides and council and the universe or God to show me how to help the client as best I can, through images, feelings, thoughts, etc. Mostly I will feel in my own body where and what we will be focusing on. Typically I will feel pain in my hand chakras if  I'm in an area that needs attention.

Once we meet (if we are meeting for a session in person) I confirm these findings with the client and ask that they say an intention for the session and we get to it!

Some examples of feeling over distance have included:

  • Tingling in my hands (like tiny soda bubbles on my hands) indicates stress to me which is very common.
  • Intense pain on the left side of my head, in a jagged fashion where it felt like my bone hurt, in the case of a client who suffered a life threatening head trauma and lost part of their skull on the left side.
  • Shortness of breath in the case of a client who suffers from asthma and was having a particularly bad day.
  • Teeth pain - this client had a self-image issue relating to the teeth.
  • Hearing words in my head, for example "bursitis" for a client I was working on.
  • Feeling pain in my armpits for a client with breast cancer - it had spread to the lymph nodes in the armpit and the client hadn't divulged that to me at the time.
  • Seeing a needle while working on a younger child - she was scheduled to receive another needle after a somewhat frightening first encounter during her first treatment.
  • Dizziness and nausea and the feeling of somersaults while working on a bird who had suffered a window strike (later put down as it was not recovering).
  • While working on a gosling who could not walk, I was suddenly shown a vision of a man stomping on baby birds. It is my personal suspicion that the lame gosling was that man previously.

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