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Asking for Signs

Asking for signs is a great way to communicate with your higher self and spirit. You can ask for signs anytime. I want to stress that you ought to listen to your gut and your intuition, they are our human animal instincts. 

But sometimes you might feel like you need a helping hand to make a decision and so I propose you ask for a sign.

The first time I asked for a sign I was speaking to my Papa (maternal grandfather), who died when I was two. I had never spoken to him before but I was feeling a presence around me and trying to think of who might be interested in checking up on me, I thought of him. I asked that if it was him to please send me a sign I couldn't miss. I also said that anyone else present was also more than welcome to send me a sign. 

I had been looking at angel orbs on google images and when I tried to type a new website into the bar, the page refreshed. Thinking I just did it wrong I tried three more times, each time the angel orbs reappearing. You may think I sucked at interneting but I am a believer. Feeling sufficiently weirded out, I convinced myself (as we do) that it was a coincidence (which I don't believe in).

The next morning, I woke up and went outside with my cat and my coffee and there was a butterfly on the front door. I had to shut it again before the butterfly flew into the house. I stepped carefully outside and I could not believe my eyes. There were butterflies all over the house. They were in the bushes, on the patio furniture, on the windows and on the roof. My neighbours were on the sidewalk in front staring. They had come over to get a better look. I was so confused, it took me several minutes to connect it with asking for a sign. I actually laughed out loud.

My mom and I had a reading that day with a psychic woman I know. When we arrived, she said she'd had butterflies on her window all day and knew they were a sign for someone whom she was seeing that day. Once we arrived, she said she knew they were for us. Neither my mom nor I said anything yet. As soon as she started her reading, she asked me who is the grandfather that's passed and whom I speak to? I said I just spoke to him the night before for the first time. She said I see him and there are butterflies over his shoulders. He wants to thank you for speaking to him. LIKE. GUYS. You can't make this stuff up! I guess I could be but I am not. I am not. I've had a lot of weird and cool experiences but this is one of my favs. It doesn't happen anymore, but for the rest of the summer butterflies would come and land on me.  

Ask For A Sign

Protect yourself first by imagining a white light from God or the universe and put yourself inside this bubble. Mentally thank the universe for its love and ask that it keep you protected. Those of you who believe in Angels, you can call upon Archangel Michael to protect you. State that only that which is for your highest good can penetrate your bubble. 

Now I like to ask mentally in my head for a specific sign. It can be as simple as, "if this is a good idea, please show me a xxxxxxx." There are many youtube videos on this topic if that helps. 

If you've never talked to your guides before, try it. Ask for a sign. No one needs to know. You start to see there's more to the world than what we're taught. It can really change the way you see things. 

A few days ago I asked for a peacock to mean yes and a dove to mean no. (There's this thing we were considering applying for.) Anyhow, last night I saw the word dove while I was reading. 

Not wanting to rush my boyfriend who was waiting for his own sign, I didn't say anything. But today looking at instagram I saw a post of a bunch of white doves. I emailed him saying I'm definitely seeing signs for no. 

I refreshed instagram and yep! It was an angel card from Doreen Virtue showing a dove and olive branch. YOU CANT MAKE THIS STUFF UP!

That's three strikes I'm out. I'm not applying for the thing. Another thing will come up that feels better. 

Let me know how it goes.

Best regards.

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